5 Household Issues You Need to Fix To Be More Eco-Friendly

Every household should strive to be more eco-friendly. But this is easier said than done, especially with a busy lifestyle and kids who don’t understand everything about sustainability yet. Still, just because it’s difficult doesn’t mean there’s no point in trying. Instead, you should focus on things you can change sooner rather than later. When it comes to your home, here are several points to consider and improve.
Wasted Energy
Wasted energy is arguably one of the most common causes of household sustainability problems. Whether it’s leaving the lights on when you leave the room or forgetting to turn the oven off after making dinner, your house may consume more energy than it needs. Furthermore, failing to maintain your air conditioning means you force the motor to work harder. A regular appointment with HVAC services will help your system reach optimal performance while reducing the amount of energy required.
Single Use Products
Too many households also rely on single-use products, especially water bottles and even paper plates or plastic cups. While replacing everything with zero-waste products may seem like a long-term endeavor, it is easier than you think to start using products that do not have such an intense impact on the environment. Eco-friendly households can make cleaning products using lemon juice and vinegar while old clothes and sheets can double as cleaning cloths instead of purchasing brand-new items.
Food Waste
Your family could also be guilty of being one of the many households that throw out around one-third of the food purchased yearly. Food waste may not seem like a huge deal sometimes, but it also becomes unnecessary when you know how to dispose of it correctly. You can eat as much as possible but this isn’t always easy, especially if life gets in the way. Instead, save food for leftovers or use leftover organics for composting if you have a compost bin. If you still struggle to finish your food, try making smaller portions.
Brand New Furniture
Everyone wants new furniture, but the cost and environmental impact are not always worth it. Instead, households can research auctions, and online marketplaces (such as Facebook or Craigslist), or visit vintage and second-hand stores. While you don’t want to purchase all your furniture from these places–you’re better off buying a new mattress, for example–you can save more than you think by investing in pre-loved items. Just give the cushions and covers a clean before using them.
Arranging sustainable home improvements can make a significant difference to your property. You can improve the plumbing and insulation, which means you avoid leaks and retain heat more efficiently. However, you also need to consider how the building process affects the environment. Try not to encroach on green space too much during an extension and pick suitable times to use heavy machinery and power tools to prevent too much disruption and noise.
Although it can be challenging to change all your habits and focus more on an eco-friendly household, you will make a huge difference by changing one or two behaviors at a time. You can also take this opportunity to teach your kids more about protecting the environment and reducing unnecessary waste to ensure they understand why sustainability is so important.